
Mental wellbeing skills groups for young people and families

Referral registrations for Semester 2 close on Monday 3rd June

Here are some key dates to help you plan your availability

STEP 1: Introduction Sessions   5th and 6th June

STEP 2: Assessments   17th June to 14th July

STEP 3: Course Dates across 5 groups   From Saturday 3rd August to Thursday 7th November

About DBTeen

DBTeen is a dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) informed program delivered in a Primary Care environment, offering skills training for young people aged 14-18 experiencing some or all of the following:

  • Difficulties with frequent and intense emotional and mood states
  • Problem behaviours such as self-injury, suicidal behaviour, substance misuse, school avoidance, disturbed eating and risky sexual behaviour
  • Interpersonal difficulties which can result infrequent intense conflict with family and peers
  • Feelings of emptiness and identity confusion.

The program is delivered in multifamily groups whereby carers develop the same skills alongside their teens and support them to embed the skills in their day to day lives. The program is as much for carers as the young person.

Frequently Asked Questions

DBTeen is a dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) program for young people aged 14-18 who exhibit difficulty regulating their emotions and behaviour.  A parent or adult carer must also commit and attend all 12 sessions with the young person.

Young people who are already receiving hospital and community mental health services (eg: CAMHS, CMHT, CATT, hospital inpatient) are inelligible.

For more information on eligibility, see our brochure below.

Lifeline WA is offering 12-week DBTeen skills groups which will cover the following key components:

  1. Mindfulness skills: staying focused on the present moment without having to react.
  2. Distress tolerance skills: coping with distressing situations and painful emotions without making things worse.
  3. Walking the Middle Path skills: balancing ways of thinking and behaving to improve flexibility in responding to common family dilemmas.
  4. Emotion regulation skills: developing skills to use when faced with intense and painful emotions.
  5. Interpersonal effectiveness skills: communicating your needs and wants, improving relationships, and building self-respect in relationships.

There is no charge. DBTeen is fully funded by the West Australian Primary Health Alliance.

Anyone can refer, including your GP, mental health professional or yourself. Following the referral, teens and their fellow adult participant attend a compulsory introduction session and an assessment with a Clinician to determine final admission to the program.

So, download, complete and return the DBTeen Referral Form to register.


I have looked forward each week to spending Saturday mornings with our DBT group. It has greatly helped my stress, confidence and ability to discuss things with my teenager. I am so grateful for the opportunity to do the course. - Adult Participant

Knowing other people my age are also dealing with similar issues gives me comfort in a weird sense. Learning more skills has helped me to have better alternatives to problem behaviours. - Teen Participant

My parents understand me better and I am able to regulate my emotions” - Teen Participant

One of our dads brought in a special cake for graduation. We had a great session. Needed way more time for monopoly! - DBTeen Clinician