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Access help resources online.
Call 000 (Emergency Services) if life is in danger.
If you or someone you know are thinking about suicide or experiencing a personal crisis - help is available. No one needs to face their problems alone.
Lifeline WA
Our office is located in Subiaco.
Street address: Level 2/50 Subiaco Square Road, Subiaco, WA, 6008
Postal address: PO Box 509, Subiaco WA 6904
Email: reception@lifelinewa.org.au
Telephone: 08 9261 4444 (available during *business hours)
*Please note our business hours are Monday - Friday from 9am-4.30pm.

Complaints and Feedback
Lifeline WA aims to provide the best possible service. We want to hear about your experience and welcome your feedback.
If you have received great service, please let us know. Send an email to feedback@lifelinewa.org.au so we can pass on your compliment.
If something happens that you do not like, please let us know.
- For complaints about the Crisis Support service click here.
- For all other complaints, click here.
- Call us on 08 9261 4444. Ask to speak to the Complaints Officer.
- Talk to a staff member or manager.
If someone is supporting you to make a complaint, we can talk with you through your support person. Anyone may act as your support person, as long as they have your consent. (For example: a family member, advocate, legal or community aid).
You can read about our Complaints Process here.
You can read about our Whistle Blower Policy here.
Media enquiries or interview requests
Contact The PR Collaborative
Carla Shearman
0418 140 220