Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme

Supporting the community through companionship

Everyone needs the opportunity to meet people, have companionship, be acknowledged and share laughter. Having good social connections is vital for all aspects of a person’s health, especially as we age.

Lifeline WA’s Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) is helping to improve the social and mental wellbeing of lonely and socially isolated older people in our community. The ACVVS is a program funded by the Australian Government to match those in Residential Aged Care facilities or in their own homes receiving a Home Care Package, who have little or no contact with family or friends, with a volunteer visitor for friendship and companionship.

Join the program as a Volunteer

You can truly make a difference in someone’s life and wellbeing by joining this program. All it takes is spending time with someone playing a game, reminiscing, sharing a cup of tea, or going for a walk around the neighbourhood. All ACVVS volunteers are given training so that they feel comfortable before they start. You will be bringing companionship to people who will benefit from your company and enhancing their health and happiness.

ACVVS Volunteer:

  • Commit to a visit at least once a fortnight but ideally once a week.
  • Over 18 years old
  • Agree to training and a Police Check (Lifeline WA will pay and organise this for you)
  • Provide status of a current flu and COVID-19 vaccination.

Join the program as a Recipient

Do you know someone who would like some extra company? A friend, a neighbour, a parent, or a grandparent? The ACVVS is a program funded by the Australian Government which means it will come at no cost to you. Great care is taken in matching up visitors and recipients that are compatible in interests, temperament, and personalities. We ensure that all volunteers are screened so that every recipient is safe and enjoys the program.

ACVVS Recipient:

  • Living in a Residential Aged Care Home
  • Living at home and has been approved for, or receiving a Home Care Package
  • Would benefit from companionship and more social connection

If you would like to refer a recipient, family member or yourself, please complete an online referral.


For enquiries, please email
or call Sharon on 9261 4427 or Jacqui on 9261 4423

Lifeline WA values your privacy and is bound by the National Privacy Principles in our handling of personal information.

The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme is funded by the Australian Government.

The Living Stone Foundation (Inc) trades as Lifeline WA.