Our Partners

At Lifeline WA, our reputation is hard earned through our continuing efforts to provide life-saving crisis support and suicide prevention services to the Western Australian community. The generous support of our valued Partners has helped Lifeline WA invest in our services, raise awareness of the 13 11 14 crisis support line, and, most importantly, ensure that the 13 11 14 number remains free and easily accessible to those who need it.

Our heartfelt thanks go to the following organisations for helping us get one step closer to a community that is free from suicide.

Diamond Partners

Euroz Hartleys Foundation

Lifeline WA are very grateful to be one of the beneficiaries of the Euroz Hartley's Foundation "Commission for a Cause Event' where on one special day, all the staff and clients of Euroz Hartleys provide support to 4 of Perth's most trusted charities.


As a major corporate partner, Fortescue supports the 13 11 14 crisis support service by contributing significant funding to the training of Crisis Supporters, the wellbeing of volunteers and Lifeline WA’s various other suicide prevention services across Western Australia. 

Mineral Resources Limited

As part of a three-year strategic partnership with Lifeline WA, MRL is committed to addressing the mental health challenges facing the resources industry in WA’s mining sector through investing in mental health training and providing significant funding to the 13 11 14 crisis support service.


Lotterywest is a major supporter of Lifeline WA’s Volunteer@Home program which trains regional volunteers remotely in their homes to help answer calls to Lifeline’s 13 11 14 crisis support services. 


Santos is one of Lifeline WA’s major corporate partners, supporting Lifeline WA since 2016, and has provided significant support to sustain and improve Lifeline WA’s suicide prevention services and ensure that every Western Australia has someone to speak to in moments of crisis. 

Stan Perron Charitable Foundation

The support from Elizabeth Perron, the daughter of late Stan Perron, is a valuable source of funding for Lifeline WA’s lifesaving 13 11 14 crisis support service and has enabled Lifeline WA to train Crisis Supporters and support them with in-shift supervisors. 

Telethon 7 

Tragically, suicide is the leading cause of death among young Australians. Sadly, this cohort is also the less likely to phone Lifeline’s 13 11 14 service. Lifeline WA and Telethon know that digital contact is less intimidating for young people and so together, they are working to ensure that a text and online chat service is available and delivered from Perth 7 days a week.

The McCusker Charitable Foundation

Lifeline WA crisis supporters receive extensive training before they are fully qualified and able to have conversations with people in crisis. The generous support of the McCusker Charitable Foundation enables Lifeline WA to provide initial and ongoing training, leadership, and support to our highly valued volunteer crisis supporter pool. 

Major Partners


Grant Givers

How can your organisation get involved?