Hope Community Services
Providing support to people affected by alcohol and other drugs, mental ill-health, youth justice issues and socioeconomic disadvantage.
P: 08 9071 5169
W: hopecommunityservices.org.au
Goldfields Rehabilitation Services
Providing holistic and supervised Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Service for residents who have been affected by alcohol, other drug dependency, sexual violence, or cannabis issues.
P: 08 9021 4732
W: grsi.org.au
Alcohol and Drug Support Service
Providing 24/7 non-judgemental telephone counselling, information, referral and support lines for alcohol and drug use.
P: 1800 198 024
Lifeline WA Grief and Bereavement Counselling
Offering free counselling to parents, families and children going through grief and bereavement, in person or phone/video counselling.
P: 08 9261 4444
W: wa.lifeline.org.au
Health Direct
Offering general health information from registered nurses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
P: 1800 022 222
W: healthdirect.gov.au
WA Country Health Services (WACHS)
Providing free, confidential, quality, community mental health care to people of all ages in Goldfields communities.
P: 08 9621 0999
W: wacountry.health.wa.gov.au
Rural Link
An after hours mental health telephone service for people in rural communities of Western Australia.
P: 1800 552 002
W: mhc.wa.gov.au/getting-help/helplines/rurallink
Amity Health
Delivering health care to adults and children in the Goldfields region, including mental health support.
P: 08 9842 2797
W: amityhealth.com.au/goldfields-region
Rural West
Providing a free, confidential, mobile, independent financial counselling service to regional small businesses and all primary production enterprises in WA.
P: 1800 612 004
W: ruralwest.com.au
The Regional Men’s Health Initiative
Raising awareness of men’s health and wellbeing in regional, rural and remote communities throughout WA.
P: 08 9690 2277
W: regionalmenshealth.com.au
Mental Illness Fellowship of WA
Offering a comprehensive range of support services to people with mental illness, their carers, families and friends.
P: 08 9237 8900
W: mifwa.org.au
Headspace Kalgoorlie
A safe place for young people aged 12 to 25 where they come to have a yarn about being stressed, bullied, if they are struggling with friendships or need someone to talk to about contraception, sexual health, sexuality, identity or relationships, drinking or drug use.
P: 08 9021 5599
W: headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/kalgoorlie/