If life is in danger call Triple Zero 000
If life is in danger call Triple Zero 000

Alcohol and Drug Support

Great Southern Alcohol and Drug Services

Provides outreach services to towns as far west as Walpole, north to Katanning and east to Lake Grace.

Albany 08 9892 2100
Katanning 08 9821 8306
Denmark 08 9892 2100

Alcohol and Drug Support Service

Providing 24/7 non-judgemental telephone counselling, information, referral and support lines for alcohol and drug use.
P: 1800 198 024

Lifeline WA Grief and Bereavement Counselling

Offering free counselling to parents, families and children going through grief and bereavement, in person or phone/video counselling.
P: 08 9261 4444
W: wa.lifeline.org.au

Southern Agcare

Professional counselling and support services for rural people provided by rural people in the Great Southern, WA.
P: 08 9827 1552
W: southernagcare.org.au/services/

Albany Women’s Centre

Offering women, with or without children, affected by family and domestic violence, a safe refuge and support services.
P: 08 9845 6000
W: anglicarewa.org.au/get-help/family-anddomestic-violence/albany-women’s-centre

Health Direct

Offering general health information from registered nurses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
P: 1800 022 222
W: healthdirect.gov.au

WA Country Health Services (WACHS)

Providing free, confidential, quality, community mental health care to people of all ages in Great Southern communities.
P: 08 9621 0999
W: wacountry.health.wa.gov.au

Rural Link

After hours mental health telephone service for people in rural communities of Western Australia.
P: 1800 552 002
W: mhc.wa.gov.au/getting-help/helplines/rurallink

Amity Health

Delivering health care to adults and children in the Great Southern region, including mental health support.
P: 08 9842 2797
W: amityhealth.com.au/great-southernregion

Depression Support Network Albany

Providing a range of support to sufferers, carers, and families of people with depression, including education, support for individuals, workshops, forums and
support groups.
P: 08 9842 1439
W: dsnalbany.com.au

Rural West

Providing a free, confidential, mobile, independent financial counselling service to regional small businesses and all primary production enterprises in WA.
P: 1800 612 004
W: ruralwest.com.au

The Regional Men’s Health Initiative

Raising awareness of men’s health and wellbeing in regional, rural and remote communities throughout WA.
P: 08 9690 2277
W: regionalmenshealth.com.au

Mental Illness Fellowship of WA

Offering a comprehensive range of support services to people with mental illness, their carers, families and friends.
P: 08 9237 8900
W: mifwa.org.au

Headspace Albany

Providing counselling and support to young people from 12-25 years.
P: 08 9842 9871
W: headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/albany/

If you are in crisis or need to speak to someone, please call Lifeline WA on 13 11 14.
If your life is in immediate danger, please call 000.