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Lifeline WA ambassador Brad Hogg set to bowl over Karratha locals

8 July 2022

Cricket legend and Lifeline WA ambassador Brad Hogg is set to bowl over Karratha locals during a visit to promote positive messages around mental health.

Hogg will share the story of his cricket career and his personal struggles with mental health issues in the hope of breaking down some of the stigmas surrounding mental health and suicide. 

The trip to Karratha, which will take place from July 28-31, aims to raise awareness of Lifeline WA’s crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Locals are invited to attend the free ‘Barefoot Bowls and Burgers with Brad’ event on July 28, where they can hear Hogg share his story, enjoy a burger and kick off their shoes for a game of bowls.

“I’ll be sharing my story in an informal setting, which I hope will encourage people to feel comfortable sharing their own stories around mental health,” he said.

“I hope by normalising life’s struggles, and encouraging people to be open, it makes an impact.”

Hogg will also visit local high schools and visit the annual FeNaCING Festival at Bulgarra Oval.

Lifeline WA CEO Lorna MacGregor she hoped hearing Brad Hogg deliver important messages about positive mental health would make an impact in the Karratha community.

“Having someone who’s reached the highest levels of sport talk about the importance of mental health goes a long way to reducing the stigma around discussing it,” she said.

“I hope that hearing Brad speak about his experiences and how to recognise signs that someone might be struggling will encourage more people to reach out for help when needed.

“We want them to know that they are never alone, and that help is always a phone call away if they need it.”

The community event is being supported by Lifeline WA’s longtime corporate partner Santos.

‘Barefoot Bowls and Burgers with Brad’ kicks off at 5.30pm on July 28 at Karratha Bowling Club.

Tickets are available at: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/barefoot-bowls-for-lifeline-wa-tickets-374712213317?aff=ebdssbdestsearch.

Meanwhile, retired West Coast Eagles star Brad Sheppard will kick off a new role as Lifeline WA’s star recruit with a visit to Exmouth. Locals can hear the 216-game star tell his story at a Sunset Sundowner on July 19.

Lifeline’s 24/7 telephone crisis support service is available on 13 11 14.