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Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme

Supporting the community through companionship

Everyone needs the opportunity to meet people, have companionship, be acknowledged and share laughter. Having good social connections is vital for all aspects of a person’s health, especially as we age.

Lifeline WA’s Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) is helping to improve the social and mental wellbeing of lonely and socially isolated older people in our community. The ACVVS is a program funded by the Australian Government to match those in Residential Aged Care facilities or in their own homes receiving a Home Care Package, who have little or no contact with family or friends, with a volunteer visitor for friendship and companionship.

Join the program as a Volunteer

You can truly make a difference in someone’s life and wellbeing by joining this program. All it takes is spending time with someone playing a game, reminiscing, sharing a cup of tea, or going for a walk around the neighbourhood. All ACVVS volunteers are given training so that they feel comfortable before they start. You will be bringing companionship to people who will benefit from your company and enhancing their health and happiness.

ACVVS Volunteer:

  • Commit to a visit at least once a fortnight but ideally once a week.
  • Over 18 years old
  • Agree to training and a Police Check (Lifeline WA will pay and organise this for you)
  • Provide status of a current flu and COVID-19 vaccination.

Join the program as a Recipient

Do you know someone who would like some extra company? A friend, a neighbour, a parent, or a grandparent? The ACVVS is a program funded by the Australian Government which means it will come at no cost to you. Great care is taken in matching up visitors and recipients that are compatible in interests, temperament, and personalities. We ensure that all volunteers are screened so that every recipient is safe and enjoys the program.

ACVVS Recipient:

  • Living in a Residential Aged Care Home
  • Living at home and has been approved for, or receiving a Home Care Package
  • Would benefit from companionship and more social connection

If you would like to refer a recipient, family member or yourself, please complete an online referral.

We ask our visitors to visit you at least once per fortnight in person. This can be more frequent depending on you and your visitor’s availability.

It really depends on your interests. Many of our pairs play card or board games, do jigsaw puzzles, watch you tube videos, or do art and craft activities. Most of the time it’s a cuppa and a chat. If you are able to go out without needing personal care you and your visitor might go for a walk, a coffee or a short drive.

Friendships are not made overnight, and it can take a few visits before you feel a real connection. The ACVVS team do their best to match you with someone that you have things in common with. If after several visits you feel it is not working, let us know and we will try and find you omeone else to visit.

If they get sick, we ask them not to visit you so you don’t get sick. Your visitor or someone at the aged care facility will let you know as soon as possible and your visitor will make another time.

Your visitor will let you know as soon as possible so you are aware of the dates they will be away and unable to visit. We encourage our visitors to give you a call or send you a postcard while they are away, but this is not always possible.

No. Your visitor is unable to look after your pet.

No. Your visitor is not able to. You need to have a plan in place for someone to look after your pet and to let your visitor know the plan.

Visits are usually between 30 minutes to two hours. This depends on what you would like and what activity you are doing.

Yes. They can, if you would like them to, their dog is well trained, and your visitor is comfortable bringing their dog. For people living in residential aged care, we ask you have this approved with the facility staff first.

If you live in a residential aged care facility your visitor may bring their children to visit you occasionally. Your visitor’s partner or adult family members are not able to visit as they are not Lifeline WA volunteers.

No. Your visitor is there to provide social support and companionship and is not able to transport you to and from hospital or to any appointments. Please talk to your home care provider if you are having any transport difficulties.

No. Your visitor is not able to take you to hospital, but they will call 000 and wait with you until the ambulance arrives. They can also call your emergency contact and let them know what is happening.

No. Your visitor is unable to go through your personal belongings or be in your home when you are not there. We suggest if you are worried about this to have a spare bag already packed.

We hope that you will let us know when we have done a good job or when we can do better. Please contact the ACVVS Coordinator or Funded Services Manager on (08) 9261 4444 and they will help you through the process.


For enquiries, please email acvvs@lifelinewa.org.au
or call Rudy on 9261 4457 or Jacqui on 9261 4423.

Lifeline WA values your privacy and is bound by the National Privacy Principles in our handling of personal information.

The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme is funded by the Australian Government.

The Living Stone Foundation (Inc) trades as Lifeline WA.